



As May makes its appearance, the students at VIS have continued their fantastic work this week. We have seen many incredible pieces of work from the students and would like to celebrate them here.


In Maths, primary students have been working on: calendar challenges, looking at how numbers can relate to each other; Venn diagrams, to help with classifying objects; and bar charts, to demonstrate data in a colourful and interesting way.

English lessons have been an opportunity to progress all literacy styles. Whether the activity is letter writing, descriptions or poetry the students have delved deep into the world of literacy to progress their writing styles and create fantastic reading material which thanks to Seesaw can be shared with the rest of the class.

The classroom teachers come up with tones of fun games to motivate reluctant writers such as allowing each child to come up with a word and then telling children to write a story that includes all of these words. The children thus have ideas to jog their creativity and feel more ownership for their writing as they had a part in the brainstorming process.

Creating an illustration is another way to help students visualise a story or its characters. By doing this it allows children who can sometimes struggle with the vastness of their imagination to become grounded in a more tangible format. Searching up new definitions allows children to expand their vocabulary and gives children more power and understanding of the words that they encounter and share.

Allowing children to go out and explore the world around them gives children an opportunity to make real-life connections and personal memories that further cement their learning.

By combining different skills learnt in school students are given the opportunity to create more connections in their learning and more synapse connections in their brain.

Why not do some bark rubbings using was crayons to notice the different patterns found in different trees. Children can also use their classification skills to determine what equipment is needed for a specific excursion.

By allowing children into the decision process and to allow them to make mistakes and to see the repercussions of certain mistakes children are more likely not to make that mistake again. So, if a child thinks that bringing a whole wet suit on a mountaineering trip makes sense maybe allow them to carry it and see what they thing after. The more children take part in decisions in their learning process the more ownership and pride they will show when producing pieces of work.

During this period of quarantine, VIS has decided to continue after school clubs. This allows children an opportunity to choose to join in on activities that allow for creative and physical outlets. The cooking club has allowed children to learn lots of fun new recipes, which enable children to use skills such as measuring and proportions to make delicious treats. These skills are life long skills to empower children to be more aware of the food that they choose to consume.


Art Club has been focusing on the skills of dimension and perspective that artists use on a daily basis to either represent reality or to bend it in a purposeful and meaningful way. By learning and understanding the rules that were developed during the renaissance period, children learn to understand the conversation that art has had since then and choose how to respond to it using their own artistic voice.


PE and Yoga clubs are an opportunity for children to get moving and to create some endorphins. PE club has gotten children moving in fun ways that incorporate Tabata, HIT and Cross-Fit exercises. Students and staff alike are invited to push themselves physically for thirty minutes. If High-intensity training isn’t your thing, children can join a yoga club to practice their balance, flexibility and breathing. Getting your whole body moving while in Zumba club is another way to get the endorphins flowing.

All of these clubs are a great way to get children to re-centre themselves and to be mindful of their body and how it feels and the children definitely seem to enjoy having some structured exercise time with friends.

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