



For the last three weeks, VIS students have been continuing their learning remotely from the safety of their homes. Students whose families have decided to stay in our beautiful alpine village and those that have journeyed back to their home countries have tuned in to classes every day.

We have created a schedule that best supports families in this time of need. Different age groups sign in at different times to enable children within the same household to use the same devices.

Breaks and independent study time is taken into consideration to allow children to finish their work after having met their teacher on Google Meets. This allows children to ask any questions and for teachers to go over any possible misconceptions. Primary children then are able to complete activities using the Seesaw app, which allows them to draw, write or take videos and pictures as responses.

Google classroom has been the main tool for secondary students whose teachers are then able to review and pass on feedback.

Children, teachers and parents have all been incredibly happy with the transition to remote learning. Though we all miss being able to socialise meet in a learning environment, we continue to develop our selves and to push our understanding to the highest of expectations.


The children are engaged and motivated by the diverse range of lessons that their teachers are creating for them. Here are a few examples of what the children have been learning:

  • Measuring using objects at home to demonstrate the length of one meter
  • Creating and explaining an ecosystem and the dynamics of the different animals
  • Using paper to investigate forces and best practices of engineering
  • Unleashing creativity by producing a sketchbook for all future work
  • Measuring out ingredients to create a tasty snack
  • Illustrating a comic book to represent the student’s time at VIS
  • Researching and presenting of animal facts in a fact file
  • Exploring and presenting about animals in the style of David Attenborough

Now we are enjoying our week off for Easter break and preparing even more amazing classes for the next half term. Remote learning will continue on a weekly basis. VIS is staying informed on all advice from the government and will inform families when the school will recommence using our facilities.

In the meantime, we hope that you and your families are safe and enjoying the sun from the safety of your balconies. Happy Easter everyone and hope you all enjoy some delicious hot cross buns.

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